my pineapple under the sea

the sun, the moon and the stars look fuzzy from down here..

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I have not been sunburnt since I dont remember when. It was all because we went tubing this weekend. It was very relaxing and in the company of good friends, it was a lot of fun.

This was a first time for everybody and we made the best out of it. I'm glad they broke the rules by buying beer because it was so much funner with them drunk. heehee.

We all met up early in the morning at my friend's place which is soo rare for my friends because they're all sleep-in most days. Two cars, 8 people and 1 1/2 hours later, we were in Harper's Ferry, WV, right in the heart of the country.

We were greeted by a really big woman with tattoos all over her and she explained everything to us and gave us life vests, a cooler tube and tubes with and without bottoms. It was very brave of my friends to still go with their plans to bring the beer along, considering how big the woman was and how big a trouble we can get into.

They then shuttled us to the mouth of the river where the dam was and then they told us to just relax and go with the flow, literally. And we did just that. We kind of panicked at first because the flow took us apart but after paddling ( a lot of it!) we all tied ourselves together with the cooler in the middle and relaxed.

It was awesome. The flow, the feel, the sound of the water and being with the people i care about helped me relax a bit from all the tension I have been feeling the past few weeks. I was laughing, we were all laughing. It was the first time I swam in fresh water and it was really refreshing. I did not have to worry about chemicals and I only worried about the living things swimming from under us.

We started tubing at around 12:30 PM and got to the end at around 4:30 pm. We did not know it took that long. But everyone had fun ( i hope) and got burnt.


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