my pineapple under the sea

the sun, the moon and the stars look fuzzy from down here..

Sunday, February 12, 2006

a vicious cycle

i hate to admit that i always fall into this vicious cycle with this one person and i never know why. i know that if i start talking to him again, if i start seeing him again or if i start emailing him, i would end up missing him all over again and getting hurt a-gain! knowing all these, i still talk to him, email him, see him, think of him, dream of him and worse, miss him more than before.

in the past week, i talked to him again. i know, i know, i should bop myself in the head for doing that but i can't help it. im a weakling, a dumb-ass and a gullible sonofagun. our conversation was the usual hi-how-are-you-im-fine-thank-you conversation and it didnt last that long. it lasted long enough for me to still be thinking of him up until this very moment (that im even writing something about that gago).

why do i still fall for his fishing tactics (i should just shut up right?). he talked to me only to ask me of my current love life situation (which is completely and utterly non-existent). he asked me so much questions that i was irritated by it. i never asked him if he was getting any action or if he has a s.o. or just had one. what was he trying to coerce out of me by asking me like questions?

so far, i've lost count on how many times he cast that freakin spell on me. he didnt force me to talk to him, he didnt force me to answer his questions... but i just cant seem to say no to him. so, now, im still nursing that wound that he poked again and leftopen. maybe i should just cut him off completely.. oh wait a minute, i already did that (dammit)


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