my pineapple under the sea

the sun, the moon and the stars look fuzzy from down here..

Monday, February 20, 2006

new found yummy

i can use chopsticks! yes my friends, i ate a whole meal using chopsticks! it felt so liberating (idunnowhy) and i felt that i was in control! i used to be uncomfortable eating in japanese restaurants. and i dont really eat sushi. i just like eating at tokyo tokyo. whenever i go to there, i order the same safe thing eveytime. pork tonkatsu, beek something, shrimp tempura, red iced tea.. (yum, i miss eating there) who can say no to all you can eat rice and those sumo meals where you can eat to your heart's content or share it with someone for less than 100 pesos.

but now, i can actually eat most of the stuff in their menu.. well except for the raw ones, i can still taste the gummy salmon my cousin, kuya marty made me eat. *ugh* the japanese food in Hinode along Rockville Pike is so good. i can eat the rolls, the makis and of course the teriyakis and the tonkatsus. yey, im loving japanese food. and i want to think that the deep fried veggies are healthy for me. at least they're still vegetables right?


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