my pineapple under the sea

the sun, the moon and the stars look fuzzy from down here..

Thursday, May 25, 2006

tagetty tag tag

1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different descriptions of their perfect lover.
2. He/she needs to mention the sex/gender of their perfect lover.
3. He/she must tag 8 more people to join this game and leave a comment on their respective sites anouncing that they've been tagged.
4. If tagged a second time, there's no need to post again.

whee i got tagged! my answers wont be as entertaining as momel's but what the heck. :)

so i have to come up with 8 descriptions of my perfect lover. hmm this is going to be difficult. well it's going to be harder for me to describe him without prejudice and partiality to one of my ex's. so here goes.

1. he has to be uber funny. a good sense of humor will get you everywhere and people tend to like you because you find humor in everything. (just as long as you know when to stop). he has to be able to make me laugh and laugh at my kakornihan. i want somebody who can laugh with me when i trip or tapilok. i am not the funniest sonfagun on earth and i cant tell any good jokes, heck i can't even make good kwento and i want someone who can.

2. he also has to be able to talk to me about everything. mind the difference between the talker and the talker and listener <- this is the one that i want. the talker doesnt mind if you dont give him a piece of your mind but the one that i want listens and at least tries to understand the crap you're telling him. i had a bf that bored me to death (death of the relationship that is). he never found a single thing to talk about that interested me. i pretended for a couple of months but then i just had to give him the boot. i had an ex whom he and i can talk about everything under the philippine sun. we can converse about goto to tricycles to ps to fx's to movies to porn to our boss' dirty laundry. now that's someone i want to be with when i grow old and not interested in anything remotely sexual.

3. he has to be an honest and truthful sonofabeech.. he has to tell me everything that i need to know to defend my bottom from things that can come back and bite me where the sun dont shine. not that i want to force him to tell me his issues and stuff like that but i do want to know if you're fucking someone else or wait, make that let me know when you're f*cking, tongue-kissing or any-form-of-exchange-of-bodily-fluids someone else capish?

4. he has to be good in bed, a lover and a fighter and never gets tired of making love. i think this has to be on the top of the list but wth, i don't want to ask too much. ok and i want someone who can withstand my touch-touch... and will be able to touch-touch me when i need it. nuff said.

6. i want him to be maginoo pero mejo bastos. i want a guy who will stand upand beat the crap out of whoever is pushing my buttons and someone who can be there when i just need a hug and a kiss and a moment of silence. i want someone who will walk on the "dangerous" side of the sidewalk, akay me when i get off a jeepney, car, bus, whatever, protect me from the dirty shoulders of people around me by shielding my body with his hand and things like that (haha tough luck. c'mon it's my list anyway!).

7. he has to like PDA. thats me, i like to hold hands, i like to kiss (but no tongue action please lang!) peck, whatever you want to call it and i like being hugged in public. im a sucker for confirmation so don't argue. don't get me wrong, i hate it when couples kiss like they're sucking the life out of their partners in public. all i want is a little display of his loving.. for the whole world to see.

8. lastly, he has to love food. im a huge foodtripper and foodlover. he has to suck up and not be a sissy when ordering extra rice and an extra plate of sisig. im trying to learn how to cook so he better taste whatever it is that comes out of the oven or pan regardless of color or smell.

so there. i am not describing him ok?

im tagging people who live in my bikini bottom.

you're it!


Blogger The Guy in Red Sneakers said...

wow. and you're right, i'm it. because, save for the food thing, this is who i am.


makaalis na nga. weird na eh.


9:46 AM  
Blogger The Guy in Red Sneakers said...

and while you're on a roll, consider these -- i mean, you're tagged --

and finally, my version of the survey you all just did --

oh gawd, i hope you're NOT too busy to answer all of these.

i'm curious sa mga sagot mo eh.

please..? maski next week?

9:54 AM  
Blogger ira said...

whee! you dont know how happy you're making me.

i guess im describing most peeps but those peeps i never find.

well, i better get started with those tagettytagtags.

*big grin*

3:12 PM  

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