my pineapple under the sea

the sun, the moon and the stars look fuzzy from down here..

Saturday, November 18, 2006


get a freakin' pastime ira, better yet, get a freakin' life!!

don't look back and just go!

ugh, tigas ulo!


Blogger Unknown said...

There's almost always nothing bad about looking back and remembering. If anything, it serves to measure how far away you've travelled.

And maybe even how far away you need to go.


6:09 PM  
Blogger ira said...

true momel, but my looking back is keeping me from moving forward.

although, the bit about measuring how far away i need to go applies to me.


12:03 PM  
Blogger The Guy in Red Sneakers said...

wow. talk about wake up calls..!


i dunno, perhaps some running might help..! round the bend, towards wherever it is you wanna go, this time?

i'll run with yah..?


...thank you, momel. yes. yes. yes.


1:03 AM  

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