my pineapple under the sea

the sun, the moon and the stars look fuzzy from down here..

Sunday, September 24, 2006

smelly cat.. the office..

every special memory is associated with a scent. when you're surrounded by that smell, your heart will always return to that unforgettable memory, there the colors are forever bright.

- makoto, boys be

i was watching this show and this character was talking about how scents help us remember stuff. for as far back as i remember, i've always been fascinated by smells and some people have always told me how weird i am for loving smelly stuff. i smell e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. i have got to try everything at least once.

the bad thing about my scent fetish is that it mostly reminds me of my past youknowwhats.

my bf back in highschool had this perfume from avon that i absolutely loved. everytime we go somewhere or whenever we meet, i ask him to wear it. i still smell it whenever i pick up an avon catalog (haha) and it still reminds me of the good (or bad) ol' days. before coming to where i am right now i had a "going-away" trip with an ex-bf. he wore my favorite perfume on a man. sheesh right? i hated him for that. he ruined it for me. well, up till now, whenever i smell aqua di gio for men, it reminds me of the days when i lost my better judgement. haha. kidding not really. that was fun tho. and the cherry on top of the sundae, irish spring sport reminds me of the days when i bathed with it just to smell like my then-bf. he thought it was cute back then but right now, it sounds a little stalker-ish.

im a changed woman. im finding new scents to cherish. like baby's breath. or baby's poo. haha.

right now, i'm addicted to the office. i found it boring at first, but im beginning to like it, well, im beginning to understand the humor. watch it, it's so much fun. im a sucker for love stories and im so kilig with jim and pam. the others, so funny. dwight i love to hate. michael i feel sorry for. urgh! you should watch it. start from the beginning. it's not like lost that you get lost when you miss an episode you're thrown completely off track.

well, go ahead. watch it.


Blogger Bryan Anthony the First said...

ira, this olfactory craze of yours is somewhat scary!

just kidding...

keep smellin'!


9:08 PM  
Blogger Momel said...

Here's some of my favorite smells:

1. Puppy's breath
2. Elizabeth Arden's Green Tea
3. Palmolive Aromatherapy Passionate
4. My socks at the end of the day. Yeah. I have this odd selection of habits to form.

Yeah, that phase sounds weird. But it's an endearing kind of weird.

Favorite Smells.

Cheers Ira!


7:43 PM  
Blogger ira said...

oh my momel puppies' breath! i forgot that. well, i like dog's breath which is a wee bit weirder.

cheers! and im glad that im not the only one who likes "weird" smells. it totally depends on who's smelling :)


7:55 PM  
Blogger ira said...

thanks for dropping by redefine and bryan.

scary? haha stalker kind of scary huh?


7:55 PM  

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