my pineapple under the sea

the sun, the moon and the stars look fuzzy from down here..

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

80's babies, you are so going to LOVE this

they are so funny. they always make me giggle and laugh out loud. i hope they have the same effect on whoever's reading this.

do the dance of joy!



Blogger The Guy in Red Sneakers said...

lemme go into some sort of denial and go --

who the hell are they?

lusot ba?

aww. comedies. love them. and you.

2:06 AM  
Blogger ira said...

didnt work adi. :P

6:01 AM  
Blogger Marcus-kos said...

What's that show? Like, I've never heard of them. Grabe, I wish I was a child of the eighties pala. It's so hard being born in 1983. -sigh-


dai dai dai dai daidai daidai dai dai... hey hey hey hey hey

1:03 AM  

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