my pineapple under the sea

the sun, the moon and the stars look fuzzy from down here..

Thursday, August 17, 2006

the last time..

"i don't remember the last time we kissed. because you never think that the last kiss would be the last. you think you have forever but you don't."

- Meredith, Grey's Anatomy

do you? do you remember the last time you kissed? i sure don't. no matter how hard i try, i can't seem to remember the place, time and how it felt like when we last kissed. and to think that i was "so in love" with him and that i would "never" forget. i think it's a good thing that i don't remember. i think it's a huge step in moving on.

but it is true what Meredith said. you never think that the last kiss would be the last. you always know that there would always be a next time. you really dont have forever. it will all blow up in your face and it's important that you forget some stuff.. like how it felt when you two kissed.. like how it felt when he touched you or held your hand..

at the end of the show, meredith told derek that while she almost died that day, all she could think about was their last kiss. and how she wanted to remember the last time they were happy. do we really want to remember just like her?

i forgot all that already, all those memories. and i choose to think that it's a good thing. i have to leave space for future memories right?

well, im the queen of reminiscing. so please, if you're reading this. tell me. when was the last time we were happy?


Blogger The Guy in Red Sneakers said...

i remember. it took me... far away and within and without me at the same time.

oh. wow. this post.

7:05 AM  
Blogger Momel said...

You might hate me for breaking the mood @ Ira Baby, but it was early this evening, and then before I left for work.

Cheers! I'm sure we'll all be enjoying the same happiness soon.

2:59 PM  
Blogger ira said...

oh momel, you're lucky because im pretty sure thats not going to be your last!

and here's to that same happiness and the hope that it comes soon.

and erik, lucky you remember.i dont remember how it even felt.
i just remember random moments.

6:34 PM  
Blogger kiko said...

I do :-) but only because it's "new"...I guess after some time you just sort of don't think about it and just appreciate the kisses and the moments (and close your eyes and pray they last forever)....

12:32 PM  

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