why dallas? why?!
right now im watching the dallas mavericks lose to the miami heat. demmit! cmon people, you had the advantage of leading 2-0 and you let it go! it shouldve been a sweep! ok, ok, shaq and wade, they're good but puh-lease! you're the best defensive team and your benchers score as much as the starters or at least almost as much as the starters and your teamwork is awesome and you have dirk! plus tonight, dirk broke michael jordan's record of most freethrows in a NBA season! dont let those "white-hot" clad people of miami taunt you and intimidate you! this is your freakin chance! grab it! let's go dallas! let's go!
sheesh why do i get so frustrated over this? i never did like basketball. trace my basketball ignorance all the way back when i was a kid and we only had local channels and my dad would watch a game that would last till my bedtime. i hated that. i need to watch my bioman daddy! and then two years ago i met him. the biggest nba fan i've ever met. well, more of the biggest dallas fan really. we had cable and i couldve watched nickelodeon before i sleep but during playoffs, mornings were reserved for watching the games. so i had no choice. it was frustrating again for me. i want to watch spongebob!
but ok, since i like you, you get to watch what you want plus breakfast in bed and you get the special ira massage. mind you, we worked graveyard shift so our life is kind of upside down.
he cheered. i cheered on with him. i asked questions, he answered them oh-so-patiently. but hear this, not only did i have to endure 2hour long watching games, i had to watch him play his NBA2k-infinity. 2ks never stop. they always come out with something new so he always had to buy them and i always had to watch. i didnt mind really. i loved watching him play. the way his fingers push the X and O buttons and the L1s and L2s, it was kind of erotic. well, erotic because i was imagining them doing something else. so i guess thats just me. teehee. he asked me what i thought of his players, and which team i liked so far based on what he taught me.. of course i ended up liking dallas and hating the spurs (they were so good before you'd love to hate them). in the beginning i liked players mostly because they were gwapo or because they looked like him (i.e. manu ginobili ;)) but as the "thing" progressed, i liked teams and players simply because they're good.
i learned the who's and what's and why's of bastketball and if you told me a player's name two years ago, i would know which team he was in! thats how much i know.
so dallas, cmon and win this! if you cant then fine, shaq deserves it.
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